Thursday 26 March 2015

Chapter 1(Networking Concepts)-Class 8

Formative Assessment
A.   Fill in the blanks:
1.     Communication
2.     Data & Resources
3.     Single Point
4.     Nodes
5.     Wireless Networking
6.     MAN
B.    State True or False:
1.     F
2.     T
3.     T
4.     T
5.     F
6.     F
C.     Application based Questions:
1.     Local Area Netwok(LAN)
2.     Peer to peer Network
3.     Wireless Network Cards
4.     Bluetooth
Summative Assessment
A.    Multiple choice questions:
1.     Ehternet Network Card
2.     Bluetooth
3.     Nodes
4.     Network
5.     WAP
B.     Answer the following questions:
1.     A computer network can be defined as a group of computers and other peripheral devices that are linked together for sharing data and hardware resources. For example if one of the computers in a network has a printer attached to it then all the computers in that network can access the printer.

2.     Uses of networking are:
                                                        i.            Efficient use of storage media
                                                      ii.            Preserving Information
                                                    iii.            Reduction in Hardware Cost
                                                   iv.            Efficiency
                                                     v.            Redundancy
                                                   vi.            Quickest Document Delivery
3.     Difference between LAN and WAN is:
Stands For
Local Area Network
Wide Area Network
Local areas only (e.g., homes, offices, schools)
Large geographic areas (e.g., cities, states, nations)
LAN (Local Area Network) is a computer network covering a small geographic area, like a home, office, school, or group of buildings.
WAN (Wide Area Network) is a computer network that covers a broad area (e.g., any network whose communications links cross metropolitan, regional, or national boundaries over a long distance).
High speed (1000 mbps)
Less speed (150 mbps)
Data transfer rates
LANs have a high data transfer rate.
WANs have a lower data transfer rate compared to LANs.
The network in an office building can be a LAN
The Internet is a good example of a WAN

4.      Network Security means protecting data and resources from access by unauthorized persons. There are two levels of network security:
                                                        i.            Login Security:You are given a unique login name and password.
                                                     ii.            Rights Security:Based on user name read only or read write access is given.

5.      In this network  there is a main computer called server that provides services to clients and controls access to  all the resources.