Tuesday 24 March 2015

Computer System (Class 9)

Q1: Fill in the blanks:
a)      One of the main job of computer is to process _________into ___________.
b)      A person who communicates with a computer or uses the information it generates, is called ___________.
c)      The electric, electronic and mechanical equipment that makes up a computer is called ___________.
d)      A collection of related instructions ogranised for a common  purpose is referred to as ____________.
e)      Computers in ___________ is used for making books, magazines,newspapers,music,film and video.
f)       A ___________ contains keys for press to enter data into instructions.
g)      A ___________allows you to speak into the computer.
h)      ___________devices hold data, instructions and information for future use.
i)        A ___________ provides much greater storage capacity than a USB flash drive.
j)        The motherboard  is the main ___________of the system unit.
k)      A ___________processor is a chip that contains two separate processor cores.
Q2. State true or false.
a)      A computer is an electronic machine that works automatically by own.
b)      Data is a collection of unorganized facts,like words,numbers,images and sound.
c)      The processing speed of computer is very slow.
d)      A keyboard contains keys you press to enter data into the computer.
e)      Storage is not an efficient feature of computer.
f)       A dual core processor is a chip that contains two separate processor cores.
g)      The motherboard is the main circuit board of a micro computer.
Q3. Answer the following questions.
a)      Define computers.
b)      Mention two areas where computer is used.
c)      Name any two input devices.
d)      Name any two output devices.
e)      Which part of computer is called the brain of computer?
f)       Name the two components of CPU.
g)      Define the following terms:
                                                        I.            Information
                                                      II.            Data
                                                    III.            Output Devices

                                                    IV.            Motherboard